'pastel' Serum skin series (7 free Serum skins)
I'm moving from Gumroad.. I will write a post about it.. the thing is I'm moving to Shopify.. here is the website https://saaaadpuppies.com/ I have all the skins over there.<3 I plan to make discounts and stuff. Here is a code for 50% off for any paid skin EQ4VPBVYWKJQ
another edit* I just made a kind of new version of this.. not really but they are also seven skins and kind of colorful and I made them thinking about these ones so.. here they are https://saaaadpuppies.gumroad.com/l/nvswap
hello. I've made 7 'pastel' Serum skins, they aren't particularly good or nice designed but they are kind of cute, if that's what you are looking for. I will surely update them. Any feedback is appreciated. Also I would be so soo grateful if you decided to/could support me.